By: Brandon Lindell12/02/15

Creating a Culture that Celebrates the Church

Personally when I think of the word “building” I am often overwhelmed with feelings of pain, failure, regret, and more pain. Why you ask? Well, let me explain.

Whenever I have a moment of excitement and decide to head into the garage, buy a new tool, or watch a tutorial online it usually ends with unforeseen consequences. I want to save money so I do projects that I am not qualified to do or that could physically harm those around me and myself. Honestly, when we get down to it, I am a “do it yourself guy” that should “not do it myself.”

It’s so reassuring to know that we don’t have to be a proficient handyman to be a builder of the Church.

How we view the church will determine how we lead and love those in the Church

Being a builder of the Church starts with our own personal vision of the church. How we view the church will determine how we lead and love those in the Church. We must view the church as God’s tool to build the kingdom, a place that is close to his heart, and something we are a part of! The church is an earthly picture of what Heaven will be like.

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says,“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” Jesus is saying, “I am going to build the church, but Peter, I want you to be a part.” I believe God is speaking that same thing to us today. He is still building His Church but wants to use us to make it happen.

Christ’s words to Peter were “I am going to use you to build my church” and those are His words for us today. He wants and desires to use us to build His Church. When we grab a hold of this revelation, it ignites a passion in our heart for the church and allows us to be open for God to use us in amazing ways. It is our responsibility as leaders and followers of Christ to build a culture that celebrates the church.

Here are 5 steps I believe create a Church celebrating culture.

1. Celebrate what God is doing through the Church

Sounds simple right? Talk about things that inspire you, celebrate what is taking place around you, and always reflect about what God has done. When you begin to celebrate the goodness of God, it inspires others to celebrate as well. Celebration is key!

When you begin to celebrate the goodness of God, it inspires others to celebrate as well

2. Teach people how to think about the Church

Mindset matters! We should never talk about the church as something we have to do, but as something we get to do! Positivity is a momentum lifter and a protective covering for the church. We should always strive to be a positive voice that lifts the church and the momentum of those around us.

3. Always have vision

Without vision, a plan will perish. Keep vision ahead of you and continually remind yourself and others of the vision God has set before you. Whenever a church has a vision of what God wants to do, then anything is possible. God has a future that is better than you could imagine. Vision is what will help you get there!

4. Challenge people to serve

Always push people to get involved. No one ever had a victory by sitting on the sidelines and watching a game take place. We are all called to be builders of the church and part of the body. However, some people don’t know where to start. This is where we get the incredible opportunity to challenge them and show them how they can get involved. By challenging people to serve, not only do they get involved, they are set up on a level where God can use them in a way that was unavailable before.

5. Longevity Counts

You will never sustain outward passion without constant internal inspiration. Strive to make it your goal to be known for your love for the house of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to pour into you every day. This will allow you to take people on a God-inspired journey for a long time!Being a builder of the Church starts with us and continues on through those around us. May we always strive to be someone who is continually focused on building the kingdom of God and sharing the love of Christ. Make it your goal today to look for opportunities to build the Church!